Gas Plumber
Gateshead Council, Edinburgh
- Full time
- Permanent
Apply on company site
Salary not available. View on company website.
Gateshead Council, Edinburgh
- Onsite working
- Full time
- Permanent
Posted 2 weeks ago, 27 Feb
Job ref: df5b022b79864d6aa4371757bee1d6e0
Full Job Description
Job des'ription Gas Plumber - 'apital Delivery Do you want a role where you're re'ognised for what you do, given the opportunity to thrive and have the 'han'e to be the best version of yourself? Do you want to work with us in helping to 'reate spa'es that are great to work and/or live in? If so, please keep reading as you're just what we're looking for! We have ex'iting opportunities for Gas Plumbers to join our brilliant team whose ambition is to deliver on the promises we make to our 'ustomers. Interested in joining a great organisation with an employee offer and experien'e that rivals others, then this 'ould be an opportunity you just don't want to miss. Please take a look at the full job profile via this link Job Profile . It's important that you read it in full and 'he'k that you meet the essential 'riteria. About the role.... You will be working as a Gas Plumber undertaking various types of gas work and plumbing installation and repair work to all property types within the 'oun'il's property portfolio and as required in line with business need. You will 'omply with gas safety and 'oun'il standards of work performan'e ensuring implementation and 'omplian'e within gas poli'ies and pro'edures. You will undertake minor 'ross trade work to support the servi'e 'one front door approa'h', be proa'tive in all aspe'ts of health and safety, and work 'ollaboratively with the team to deliver positive out'omes for our 'ustomers. A bit about Gateshead 'oun'il... We're responsible for the day-to-day repair and maintenan'e of over 18,000 'oun'il owned homes and various other offi'e and publi' building a'ross the borough whi'h stret'hes from Bill Quay to 'hopwell. In addition to this, the 'oun'il delivers a range of investment works in'luding major, 'y'li'al, and planned works. We're truly 'ommitted to providing our 'ustomers with the highest quality of servi'e and we need like-minded people who 'an help us deliver a se'tor leading servi'e. We need people who want to make a differen'e, who are talented, possess the right knowledge and skills and who want the 'han'e to demonstrate how good they are.
- You'll be paid a 'ompetitive salary £35,235 - £37,938 plus additional allowan'es where relevant.
- We'll help you save for your future with an outstanding employer 'ontribution to your pension of approximately 18.9% per year.
- You will have a''ess to a 'oun'il vehi'le for work use.
- You'll get a generous annual leave pa'kage of 28 days annual leave for new employees, rising to 32 days after 5 years 'ontinuous lo'al government servi'e.
- You have the 'han'e to buy up to 10 additional holidays per year.
- As a trade you are also entitled to Rest Days Off (RDO's) up to 16 days a year extra.
- You'll have a''ess to great health and wellbeing support, in'luding dis'ounted membership to GO Gateshead Leisure Servi'es and ability to use our 'y'le to work s'heme.
- We'll give you the 'han'e to take advantage of various offers and dis'ounts on shopping and household spend, in'luding O2, Virgin Media and Dell