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1 Education / Teaching jobs in Stornoway, Western Isles

Teacher of English (1575)...

£10,001 - £20,000

COMHAIRLE NAN EILEAN SIAR, Stornoway, Western Isles

  • Part time
  • Temporary

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Posted 2 weeks ago, 13 Mar

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Teacher of English (1575), The Nicolson Institute - CNS05293

£10,001 - £20,000

COMHAIRLE NAN EILEAN SIAR, Stornoway, Western Isles

  • Part time
  • Temporary

Posted 2 weeks ago, 13 Mar

Closing date: 31-03-2025 (3 days)

Job ref: CNS05293

Full Job Description


Teacher of English (1575), The Nicolson Institute
14 hours per week, fixed term to 10 August 2025
£17,266 - £21,379 per annum, inclusive of £1,144 Distant Islands Allowance per annum

Applications are invited from teaching staff who would like to be considered for the above fixed term post.

The purpose of this post is to contribute to overall school effectiveness in respect of the following areas:


(b)Care and welfare


(d)Professional development.


The successful candidate must have an appropriate degree / diploma and GTC Scotland Registration.


Subject to the policies of the school and the education authority the duties of teachers are to perform such tasks as the headteacher shall direct having reasonable regard to overall teacher workload related to the following categories:

1 Teaching assigned classes together with associated preparation and correction.
2 Developing the school curriculum.
3 Assess, recording and reporting on the work of pupils.
4 Preparing pupils for examinations and assisting with the administration of examinations.
5 Providing advice and guidance to pupils on issues related to their education.
6 Promoting and safeguarding the health, welfare and safety of pupils.
7 Working in partnership with parents, support staff and other professionals.
8 Undertaking appropriate and agreed continuing professional development.
9 Participating in issues related to school planning, raising achievement and individual review.
10 Contributing to good order and the wider needs of the school.

It is vital you read the job description and person specification, in your experience statement please detail how you meet each of the essential criteria we ask for in the person specification.

Interviews will be conducted in person, providing candidates with the chance to personally meet the team and experience our work environment.

Closing Date:  31 March 2025


Tidsear Beurla (1575), Ard-Sgoil Mhicneacail
14 uair gach seachdain, cuibhrichte gu 10 an Lùnastal 2025
£17,266 - £21,379 gach bliadhna, a’ gabhail a-steach £1,144 Cuibhreann Eileanan Iomallach gach bliadhna.

Thathas a’ sireadh thagraichean airson a’ phuist chuibhrichte seo.

’S e adhbhar a’ phuist seo cur ri èifeachdas na sgoile anns na raointean a leanas:

(a) Curraicealam

(b) Cùram agus slàinte

(c) Co-obrachadh

(d) Leasachadh proifeiseanta.

Feumaidh ceum / diploma freagarrach agus clàradh Comhairle Choitcheann Thidsearan Alba (CCTA) a bhith aig an neach.

’S e dleastanasan tidseir gnìomhan a thèid a thoirt dhaibh leis a’ cheannard a choileanadh a rèir phoileasaidhean na sgoile agus an ùghdarras foghlaim. Bidh sin a’ gabhail suim de dh’uallach obrach anns na raointean a leanas:

  1. Deasachadh agus ceartachadh agus teagaisg chlasaichean a thèid a thoirt dhaibh
  2. Leasachadh curraicealam na sgoile
  3. Dèiligeadh ri, clàradh agus aithisgean a dhèanamh air obair sgoilearan
  4. Sgoilearan a dheasachadh airson dheuchainnean agus cuideachadh le rianachd dheuchainnean
  5. Comhairle agus stiùireadh a thoirt do sgoilearan a thaobh foghlaim.
  6. A’ cur taic ri slàinte, sàbhailteachd agus sochairean chloinne
  7. Bhith co-obrachadh le pàrantan, luchd-taic agus proifeiseantaich eile
  8. Leasachadh proifeiseanta iomchaidh a ghabhail os làimh
  9. Pàirt a ghabhail ann am planadh aig ìre sgoile, àrdachadh buaidh agus lèir-mheas pearsanta
  10. Cur ri deagh rian agus feumalachd farsaing na sgoile.

Tha e riatanach gun leugh thu an cunntas obrach agus an sònrachadh pearsanta ‘s gun toir thu iomradh air mar a tha thu a’ coilionadh gach slat-tomhais air a bheilear a’ toirt iomraidh anns an t-sònrachadh-phearsanta nad aithisg eòlais.

Thèid agallaibhean a chumail air beulaibh dhaoine, a’ toirt cothroim do thagraichean coinneachadh ris an sgioba agus beachd fhaighinn air an àrainneachd obrach.

Ceann-latha airson Iarrtasan: Diluain 31 Màirt 2025




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